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Sunday, August 7, 2011

A new me in the new month

7th August, the first Sunday of the month. Went to Church as usual on every Sundays. Had to wait so long in the basement because parents were helping our homefellowship leader to 'jaga' the counter for a family conference. Nothing to do so I played my sister's Fruit Ninja. Damn boring la just now.

I wanted to buy a pair of sport shoes just now but they don't have Mizuno sport shoes. I like that brand, it's quite good actually. So I decided that it can wait and I didn't buy. Sigh. Hope to buy it someday.

Had a haircut just now, quite nice actually. My first time having this kind of haircut. What you guys think?

Long and messy hair. (Before)

Short and spiky hair. (After)